I have been on this site for years. wasn't on it properly since I was 15, but I guess I'm back? Hi. A lot has changed in my life since I was on here xD
I have been up to a lot the past 3 years. I am currently in college studying art, I have been in a relationship for a year and 5 months. I am in a much happier place and things have been going well for me :D


This person is a site artist
Join date:December 25, 2008 (16 years ago)
Profile last edited:January 19, 2013
Page views:29
Last logged in:July 14, 2022
Birthday:November 15 (27 years old)
(Geez that sounds stupid)
I'm trying to grow my hair (on here and RL). Is your hair like that too(the avi pic)? 'Cause it looks cool.
(This is not RL)
& thankyou so much! But please don't worry about it! ;___;
& yus 8D I made a new account a few week ago, lol.
& you're not sad. you're awesome. xD
& aww. thankyou for thinking of me XD
I always get reminded of you when I see MLP XDDD
when's season 2 out? o:
I'm older than you, therefore I have more power than you! >D
& xD eh, it's pretty much the same as being 13~
but for some reason I feel really old all of a sudden.
Your birthday is so close! 8D
soon we will be old together. xD
the biggest difference is... a year.
(badum chhh)
yeah, that was a terrible joke.
Tubucus_Grief joined the game
*le building epic castle*
*hears a fizzing noise*
*sees Tubucus_Grief holding flint and steal next to detonated TNT*
DAMN YOU GRIEFERS! I bet he looks like this in r/l http://picasion.com/i/1o9M7
don't worry about not talking recently, I've been really busy too o__o;;
& aaah! I haven't been watching it >__<
*hits self*
are you okay? D:
I'll probably end up watching it next week, since it's half term (YAY).
I'm so busy it's unreal. *dies*
& D: I hope so <3
I will gladly take one of the weeks. ;D
Yay for sunglasses! 8D
it's always annoyed me, but i can't wear sunglasses in rl, my glasses get in the way D:<
so imma put them on my chibi. like a boss. --->
pssh, aren't we all :L
but are you sure you're okay? *poke*
what was up?~
unless you don't wanna tell me xD
& because they look stupid. xDDD
^___^ okie dokes~
don't worry about it then <3
£3.59? o__o wow.
I lack the mad skillz that you have.
& aaaha, those are the ones i saw in hmv!~ THEY'RE SO PRETTY. <3 <3 <3
that sounds like the most epic hoodie ever.
& o: yeah, you should totally make one. then show me.
& wooow~ that's so cool! <3
Congratulations Aye!
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