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Horn of Plenty
Rose Mouse
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View drawing animation
November 4, 2010
Time spent:
63 minutes
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November 4, 2010 5:39 (14 years ago)
A drawing of a "horn of plenty"; an image synonymous with Thanksgiving in North America.
Happy holidays!
November 4, 2010 20:49 (14 years ago)
Is it a Cornucopia? It's very nice ^_^ I envy your skills in writing cursive on the internet, though~ ;3
November 4, 2010 21:49 (14 years ago)
It is a cornucopia! Thank you.
Hehe, I'm not that good at cursive, on oekaki or on paper.
November 5, 2010 23:04 (14 years ago)
:O thats really good better then mine T.T
November 6, 2010 18:14 (14 years ago)
OMG that so Purdy!! lol
November 8, 2010 3:56 (14 years ago)
Thank you!
Just keep practicing and soon you'll be better than me!
November 9, 2010 6:07 (14 years ago)
well, i'm better in real life XD but not on laptop because i lost my pad T.T D;
November 10, 2010 23:56 (14 years ago)
Aw, well just practice and your skills will transfer over. I think I'm just a bit better on paper compared to using a mouse.
November 17, 2010 13:19 (14 years ago)
It lookes so good. ^^
November 24, 2010 2:26 (14 years ago)
Thank you Kenran!!
Happy holidays!
Hehe, I'm not that good at cursive, on oekaki or on paper.
Just keep practicing and soon you'll be better than me!