A Sad Story
by Lil_Barbie (Gallery)

Date:August 28, 2011
Time spent: seconds
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August 29, 2011 22:27 (13 years ago)
Your av and this picture are so freaking cute!
Rose Mouse
August 29, 2011 23:56 (13 years ago)
srry i haven't been on that much. ;.; i was Busy and also i just got to CAL yesterday :P
Yayz :D
August 30, 2011 4:55 (13 years ago)
omgsh thats amazing!!
love the use of tones to shade c:
August 30, 2011 20:03 (13 years ago)
Aaaah, this is amazing! So cute! <3
September 3, 2011 7:05 (13 years ago)
Yay! Thanks everybody so much, I was feeling down lately this really made me feel better! C: