Hello hello~
This be BubblyConcoction, new to the site, and learning as i go!
Things about me!
<3 I am studio manager at Danielle Studios, a paint your own pottery/glass fusing studio (ever heard of Color Me Mine? same thing but not a franchise)
<3 I sketch alot, but my computer died so i don't do much digital art (until i get a new computer) 'cause this laptop sucks.
<3 I pixel art-ed ages ago, maybe I'll start again now!
<3 I make up new words
<3 I am addicted to Mabinogi, an online MMORPG
<3 I love virtual pet sites, but haven't found one to keep my interest going so far
Anime/Manga I like/love; (I am not up to date on any of them so please don't spoil T3T)
+Anima, Black Butler, D.Gray Man, Ouran Host Club, Pokemon, Vampire Knight, Yugioh
TV I like/love;
Amazing Race, Elementary, Glee, Person of Interest, Supernatural, Survivor
Movies I like/love;
pretty much all the Marvel ones, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, James Bond (whole series but Daniel Graig is my fav James Bond ever, Sean Connery is close second), Indiana Jones, pretty much a fan of all Disney movies
Games I like/love;
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series, Final Fantasy 7, 10, 12, Crystal Chronicles and Tactics Adv (haven't played the others, but I'm working on it!)
Music I like/love;
Queen, Styx, Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman, T-Ara, SHINee
Please feel free to talk to me, I am here to make friends!
And I don't bite, i promise ;)
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This person is a site artist
Join date:February 13, 2013 (12 years ago)
Profile last edited:February 25, 2013
Last logged in:March 13, 2013
Birthday:January 24
February 14, 2013 2:35 (11 years ago)
Welcome to the site. ^u^
February 14, 2013 6:03 (11 years ago)
Welcome welcome!~ If you need any help ask me or a mod. Have fun!
February 14, 2013 9:20 (11 years ago)
Welcome here and happy valentines day.
February 15, 2013 2:49 (11 years ago)
That picture is amazing! Ahh so jealous ❤
February 15, 2013 18:57 (11 years ago)
Lovely art you have there! Also welcome to the site.
February 16, 2013 3:21 (11 years ago)
No problem. I do some myself from time to time, however with current complications with health and life I haven't felt up to doing much of it.
Nice to see you've got a hang of most things, so I'm happy for you about that. Have you checked out some of the events yet?
Also nice username. My own username on another site has the concoction bit at the end of it too.
February 17, 2013 2:35 (11 years ago)
If you end up doing more pixeling then I'd love to see what you come up with! Never tried it myself. Have read the odd tutorial but that's about as far as I've come to cracking down and trying it.
Know the feeling! It's why no events fully complete. Have done enough to get quite a few items so I'm happy with that at least. Wish I could help you.
May I ask what your dA is, and your friends one? Haha makes sense! Can't go wrong with using it if that's the case.
February 17, 2013 11:09 (11 years ago)
Congratulations! As an item artist you now have upload access to the submissions page. If you have questions feel free to ask any of the mods. Oh and please read my post in the forum topic, too!
Looking forward to your items!
February 17, 2013 17:12 (11 years ago)
Congrats! ❤
February 19, 2013 10:06 (11 years ago)
WOW! I'd never thought that you could become an artist so fast! I'm totally impressed! Congrats~! ^o^
March 4, 2013 9:24 (11 years ago)
Congrats for being an artist! Cheers(even if there's no...milk!)
March 15, 2013 16:01 (11 years ago)
Congrats on becoming an artist. :)
May 2, 2013 1:20 (11 years ago)
Wow! Congrats on becoming an artist! I hope you can make some items, too!~