

Hello my cutie patooties with some rad ass booties got all the boys lined up wheather its your daddy or your brother or your boyfriends, soo sorry 'bout it.
I gotta nice assbutt.

If you don't mind, could you please set my school on fire?

I am the monkey , and I LOVE Naruto! !

I think that's enough for right now!
Bye bye!

Right now I am:

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Favorite outfits

Join date:March 27, 2013 (11 years ago)
Profile last edited:September 14, 2013
Page views:9
Last logged in:February 16, 2016
Birthday:July 26 (34 years old)
<< Viewing 60 - 74 of 74
July 26, 2013 16:56 (11 years ago)
By the way, VIP for habplus, thats extra, for pushing and copying, you still get all the clothes and free credits, the lot.
Just thought id say. :P
July 26, 2013 20:05 (11 years ago)
August 6, 2013 19:52 (11 years ago)
Thank for b-day wishes :D
August 27, 2013 12:38 (11 years ago)
Love your avatar. :D
Kinda reminds me of a vocaloid because of the ear piece, but a cute gothic one.
Elle Xias
November 8, 2013 21:21 (11 years ago)
Pfft I don't mind. This is probably god knows how late. Not as active on here as I'd like to be. xD
And thank you. :3
Elle Xias
December 12, 2013 17:16 (11 years ago)
Oh god! That is so bad. Tut tut :b

I get so many feels when I come onto your profile. Ugh, the rainbow background <3<3<3

Aha no, Sakura is what we're going to call our little girl (If I ever have one), and Kiba is what the dog's name will be. Though I know Sukura is a name from Naruto and Kiba is from Wolf's Rain. xD The first is a total coincidence, the second was from the show.
Elle Xias
December 21, 2013 22:15 (11 years ago)
I like your avi. :3
Ookami Kenran
December 24, 2013 1:59 (11 years ago)
January 24, 2014 3:36 (11 years ago)
Oh god that'd be funny if she did have a shrine! But I hope it doesn't turn out that way XD

Got a right cold/flu at the moment ; -; Hate being ill
Elle Xias
June 2, 2014 13:27 (10 years ago)
Hi ! I want to say that your chibi is pretty...
July 26, 2014 1:07 (10 years ago)
Happy Birthday!
July 26, 2014 4:27 (10 years ago)
happy birthday Sarah! hope you have a good one~
Aki Izayoi
July 26, 2014 15:49 (10 years ago)
Happy birthday! :D
November 16, 2014 21:55 (10 years ago)
hi cutie
November 22, 2014 22:02 (10 years ago)
Heyy 8D
