Anime Live~
Make Anime Real~ (Roleplay)
Soo Welcome to Anime Live~ where you can RP about anime~ ^^
So each month we switch what anime we're going to RP we're still wondering which anime we're roleplaying so just stay put for a bit~ ^^
Naruto- AmyNi
Sasuke- Kyoyoku
Sakura- Pudding
Hinata- RoboticSoul
Tenten- Jaychan
Ino- Samsamsierra
Welcome to the Pet Shop~! you can find a bunch of pets here~! if you have a pet the anime character has in the anime then I automatically give it to you~ ^^ I'll also let you name the pet if you want when you buy it say what name you want it to be if you don't name it then I'll give it a random name~ you can change the name anytime you want~ ^^
The max pets you can have is 4 if you have a pet & we switch to the next anime you still can have them but you can also choose to trade them abandon them return them to the store or sell them~
Also if you have any pet requests please let me know~ ^^
- 30$
- 25$
- 60$
- 50$
- 45$
- 30$
- 55$
- 55$
- 50$
- 60$
Money: 400$
Money: 400$
Items: None~
Money: 400$
Items: None~
Money: 400$
Items: None~
Money: 400$
Avatar: ?
Items: None~
Money: 400$
Avatar: ?
Items: None~
Money: 400$
Rules for this RP~ ^^
1. Strictly NO adverting on this RP
2. If your not in the RP please do not bother the other players
3. This one is easy no swearing or sexual stuff obviously this is a rule everywhere so please DO NOT do it here~ ^^
4. Please don't use other languages other than english unless it's a few words like gomenasai just to sound a bit epic~
5. Please don't say "your roleplaying is so bad" randomly if you do that, you get a warning of getting kicked out of the RP~ ^^
Teehee sorry about so many rules~ ^^
If you want to join this RP please contact or ~ ^^
Enjoy roleplaying~
If your being bothered by someone please tell me~ ^^
Dedication~ ^^
Thank you for decorating this RP to perfection~ ^^
you'll be forever remembered as my RP epic person~ ^^ if you ever need to be an author here again just ask meh~ ^^
Title:Anime Live~
Last changed:December 12, 2012 by Jaychan
Page views:3
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Can be edited by:authors only