Chat Box FAQ
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The following is a list of questions grouped by the chat box feature they respond to. Click on the questions to jump to the answers.
What's the proper chat box etiquette?
Why don't I hear anything when someone talks or enters the room?
Is there a way to turn off the sounds?
How do I post fancy things like images?
Which emoticons I use will be recognized and show on my doll?
Chat Box invitations
How do I invite people to come chat with me?
I don't want random people inviting me into the chat room, how can I block them?
Passing handheld items to someone else
I want to pass an item to someone but I don't seem to be able to, what's wrong?
Poking people
What happens when I poke someone?
Making friends
How do I become friends with someone?
How can I send a message to someone specific?
What's the proper chat box etiquette?
When you enter and there are silent people around you want to talk to, confirm that they are active by poking them and wait for a response, that will prevent you from talking into nothing.
When you leave, properly greet the people you had a conversation with. If you're taking a break use abbreviations like "BRB" (be right back) or "BBL" (be back later) so the others don't end up talking into nothing. Or manually set your emote to "AFK" (away from keyboard, that's the clock!).
Leave the chat box when you're going to be AFK for longer than 10 minutes, don't take up site resources unnecessarily!
Why don't I hear anything when someone talks or enters the room?
This feature is highly browser/operating system dependent, and may not always work. Updating your browser to the latest version may solve this, but not necessarily. The sound for entering the room has been disabled because it can get annoying in case of a bug. There is also a sound for poking.
Is there a way to turn off the sounds?
In the bottom right corner of the message submission box, there is a check box. Clicking on this will "mute" the sound. It will not remember this setting when you re-enter the chat box the next time.
How do I post fancy things like images?
In the chat box you can use BBCode tags to spice up your text, same as on the rest of the site. There's another guide for them here. In the chat box there are buttons for image and dice tags to help you with those.
How do I invite people to come chat with me?
When you're in the chat box, the other people are shown beside you, and other people who are online and you can invite are listed beneath, with invite links. Click on those, they will get a notification in their upper right.
I don't want random people inviting me into the chat room, how can I block them?
You can block invitations by hiding your online status in your settings. This way you won't be listed as being online either.
I want to pass an item to someone but I don't seem to be able to, what's wrong?
- You need to be facing the person you want to pass it to. (turn your doll using the arrows)
- You must be holding a handheld item.
- The other person must NOT be holding a handheld item.
You can't always see if dolls are holding something, because handheld items only show when the arm is held low, and your browser may be caching the doll images.
What happens when I poke someone?
When someone is poked, a message will show until they've responded by talking or moving. When they take over a minute to respond an AFK (away from keyboard, clock) symbol will appear so everyone knows they're not responsive. They'll also hear a sound to hopefully grab their attention.
How do I become friends with someone?
On CPDD, you can only become friends with people you've "met" in the Chat Room. If you're not already friends with the person you're facing (turn your doll using the arrows), a "Befriend" button will be there. Use it to announce to them you want to be friends. If they then decide to "Befriend" you, too, you will show up in each other's friends list from there on.
How can I send a message to someone specific?
By whispering it at them! The chat box will treat a message that starts with "@User" as a message intended only for User. Clicking on someone or using the whisper button (when you're next to them) also works
Which emoticons I use will show on my doll?
Any, as long as they make sense. You can use either normal emoticons :D or anime style emoticons ^_^ Chat emoticons are more limited that what your doll can do though. For example, you can make only 2 arm poses using emoticons. Sometimes it may wrongfully read an emote you didn't intend in your post. If that happens, please report it so we can try to make it smarter!
Western style
xD = >_< + :D
xO = >_< + :O
XP = >_< + :P
xS = >_< + :S
;-) = ^_~ + :)
:o = ^_~ + :O
>:D = ò_ó + :D
>:[ = ò_ó + :[
:'( = T_T + ó_ò + :(
Anime style
^o^ = ^_^ + :O
^w^ = ^_^ + :3
^3^ = ^_^ + :m
^vv^ = ^_^ + :[
Title:Chat Box FAQ
Last changed:June 13, 2021 by Karin
Author(s):Karin, Rose Mouse, Alina_Mau
Page views:78
Visible to:anyone
Can be edited by:authors only
Oh, and if you guys have something other to add to this wiki, feel free. If anyone should be able to write a chat FAQ it's you guys. It also still needs to be made public.
So, what will happen to this guide, will we make it public now or would you guys like to write some helpful stuff first?
Hyperlinks are the worst culprit