Oekaki Club Wiki
Oekaki Club contests and challenges (Clubs)

Here you can post about your recent oekaki adventures, request critique, or look for art trades! Feel free to share tips, tricks, and tutorials as well.

Here we will also add special CPDD art challenges and post about our most recent holiday contests.

- CPDD Art Challenge -

None Yet

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- December Oekaki Challenge 2014 -

Holiday Celebrations

Time to draw your favorite part of they holidays! Everything from family to feasts, whatever it is you enjoy best about the holiday you celebrate.

Unlimited entries

- ~~*~~ -
Title:Oekaki Club Wiki
Last changed:December 1, 2014 by Alina_Mau
Page views:7
Visible to:anyone, from the front page
Can be edited by:authors only
October 11, 2014 18:20 (10 years ago)
I'll join the club, I like oekakis!
October 12, 2014 13:31 (10 years ago)
Me too! Me too! I love oekakis too! I wanna join! xD
Kawaii Chup-chup
October 15, 2014 8:29 (10 years ago)
BTW What's the spoopy NPCs
Kawaii Chup-chup
October 15, 2014 22:18 (10 years ago)
If you read the post you'll know that it's this years oekaki halloween contest XD
October 17, 2014 7:52 (10 years ago)
Yeps I'm excited but..........
what is the spoopy?
Kawaii Chup-chup
October 17, 2014 14:20 (10 years ago)
lol it's a misspelling of spooky
someone was in a Halloween shop and saw a sign that said spoopy instead of spooky, they took a pic of it and now it's just sort of a casual internet joke XD
October 18, 2014 3:20 (10 years ago)
Too bad I'm terrible at using the oekaki program, but I love the idea of this club, so I hope it see more people joining, talking, and entering the challenges. c:
Elle Xias
October 25, 2014 9:17 (10 years ago)
Oooooh so that's why spoopy. Lol. But it's ok ^^
Kawaii Chup-chup
November 7, 2014 3:06 (10 years ago)
updated with this months contest :3
November 7, 2014 10:48 (10 years ago)
Should it be on a chibi base or free drawing like an oekaki?
Kawaii Chup-chup
November 7, 2014 12:27 (10 years ago)
The Oekaki Club challenges are all for the oekaki program, you CAN choose to insert the doll base into the pic if you'd like to though
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