

Oh what is this to be now? A drifter? You must be. Who else would honestly visit this dull corner. If you lost your way by all honesty, your way to freedom of this wasted area is at the bottom or top. Trusting to be the lazy sort, your top dressing room exit is up the sandbag rope of this stage.

Now then--what? You're still here? What more do you want? Brownie Girl scout cookies? Muffins? Cake?

. . .

Oh the devil, this isn't a bakery. Why would a ghost run one? I lack taste and be well enough to hand over some piece of decorated rock or those kitchen mistakes of too much salt instead of sugar.

Now shoo, go back to the wonderland you're suppose to be going to.

Favorite outfits

Join date:October 21, 2008 (15 years ago)
Profile last edited:December 14, 2010
Page views:7
Last logged in:December 4, 2011
Birthday:April 26
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July 5, 2009 14:31 ()
Waltz just stared at the foreign hybrid of flesh and machine silently before responding with a mild greeting.

"MEEP" spoke the flower once more with ears high at attention. "My name is Wolf-Blossom! Nice to meet you, Angerus-san."

"Waltz", she spoke again. "Where are you traveling to? This place is nowhere."
July 7, 2009 13:25 ()
*crawls in* Hello, Waltz! I know I’ve been awfully offline...
Oh well, I already gave out the point in my “lectures”.

The saying means you ARE accountable to yourself ^__^”
But you always say that you’ll fail so alas...it shall be.

If you think you do know it’s stupid, then don’t accept it.
We were pointing out that you must “talk”, not argue.

One’s point will always be lost, if the other disregards it.
If your safe haven is being alone, then it’s impossible.

Though, I must say I can’t find being alone as enjoyable.
If you want them out, you can tell them with respect.

I’m not sure if you were talking about the members, here.
I don’t think they just do what they want to hurt you.

I care as I want to understand you, so I tried to help you.
But since my best isn’t enough, you can call me off...

I know what a visitor is...but forcing one to visit is ironic.
It’s not a thoughtless fact that I can’t be online lately.

I have private matters to attend, just like everybody has.
I thought what I said about it is already understood...

[[Wow...being a flower is the last thing I want to be xD;;
I want to join but I doubt that I can keep up with it.]]
July 7, 2009 14:28 ()
((I don't care. It's Angelo's idea. If you want to join then do whatever as the next is suppose to continue what occures))
July 7, 2009 15:50 ()
You, yourself still don’t grasp my point & denies it.
Err... I was crawling to imply I’m dead-tired from real life.

First off, you can remove ambiguity in your words.
If you want them to understand, then give your best part.

That’s who you are but they are also who they are.
Calling me a fool just because “I don’t know” is ignorance.

Don’t think everything you believe is right for us.
You can’t choose people that will exist just for your liking.

You are being forceful not because I’m dishonest.
You can believe me or not but judging my real life is wrong.

I am “hope-filled” AND I work hard for my goals.
But thinking you can’t do it already assures that you can’t.

I know that’s your view but this is what I can say.
I tell you now, I’m not a loyal visitor for my family’s sake.
July 9, 2009 0:31 ()
hey wolf u can poof ur character into something else if u want...


Angerus took a closer look at the flower...
"well well, it seems you're no ordinary flower after all."

Angerus then focused his attention towards the charming girl next to the flower.
"Ah, so your name must be Waltz like the flower said...
do you mind if i travel with you for a while?"
July 14, 2009 19:09 ()
rofl i'm stuck on the summer event... i seem not to get to the mermaid
July 14, 2009 20:02 ()
Isn't this a job for a hero?
July 15, 2009 20:25 ()
godamnit... so i'm forced to dress up as a girl -.-
July 15, 2009 23:09 ()
No. I just visited him and ended up with the event finished. I wanted to get the hero to kiss the wizard to wake him up but that wasn't how I got the eye patch.
July 16, 2009 18:12 ()
ew i dont find the treasure...
July 16, 2009 20:17 ()
Did you meet the pirate and offered them something?
July 19, 2009 18:29 ()
July 19, 2009 18:30 ()
July 19, 2009 19:08 ()
Yeah right...
July 20, 2009 18:46 ()
k how bout this

July 24, 2009 8:44 ()
That's too much...
July 24, 2009 15:59 ()
lol xD
July 26, 2009 1:45 ()
July 26, 2009 23:10 ()
July 27, 2009 9:13 ()
“Fool” generally refer to who a person is so it’s different. An explanation is good enough; I need not such word.

You’ve also been distant, though you did need company. Seems you aren’t true to yourself if you’re shooing us.

I understand your point but you’ve to accept I chose this. By the instances that I have given, this is how to me.

I know we have limits but not having goals is impossible. Without them, how can a person still continue to live?

Whether it’s short-term or long-term, a goal is essential. Saying you don’t have or don’t want one is doubtful.

“Do your best” aren’t false words unless one’s insincere. It’s to encourage one to do it, not force him to limits.

Right, I shouldn’t have brought my family to this matter. They’re who I constantly tend to lately...and my org.

I was telling an overview of what’s happening on my life. I’m fine being an “incompetent visitor” for their sake.

I’m awfully off recently due to a series of black-outs here. But thankfully, there’s the SONA so I have time today.
July 27, 2009 14:36 ()
woo~ O.o
August 1, 2009 14:13 ()
You’ve been contradicting yourself w/“being nothing”.
You said you try to “exist” in a safe haven, isn’t it?

Only you yourself know who you really are -not them.
If you think you’re nothing, then it’s not their fault.

If I forgot you exist, I wouldn’t be here talking to you.
But it’s a fact I have things to do IRL, so I was off.

Living is oriented and directed with goal(s) you’ve set.
Asking yourself for purpose IS a goal-seeking goal.

Goals have such practical/simple manifestations in life.
But what I do to live my life for others isn’t simple.

If you think it’s insincere, you wouldn’t do your best?
Try telling it to yourself even if they are “traitors”.

If you think it’s giving up, it’s better than persisting.
I’d rather be offline than ignore the matters IRL.

It’s ignorance to think I give up when it’s not a battle
especially that being irregular visitor is cowardice.

There are serious & important issues I’ve to deal here.
I’ve been telling you this but you don’t understand.
August 5, 2009 16:58 ()
I never consider nor meant to treat you like a thing.
Is disagreeing with you makes you feel that way?

I do think I’m communicating in a humane way, right?
But if you had accepted yourself as thing, so be it.

I had said that if I forgot, I wouldn’t be here now.
But, I didn’t... since you’re one of those I’m visiting.

This cycle can be broken if you respect my views.
Though I oppose at times, I just want to share mine.

I want not just to listen but let you know my story.
I hope you’d understand others, not assume things.

I don’t think declining to insist my point is giving up.
I know that I can’t force my views to you, forever.

If you think I’m a coward for accepting you, then ok.
An endless “fight” is one of the last things I want.

Sudden change for us is unlikable, but it’s inevitable.
I can just do nothing if things are different to you.

We can’t attain all the goals that we set–no one did.
But it’s up to you on how you consider “success”.

I know you’ve changed and decided to live w/o goals.
But even if you’re against my views, I’d stick w/it.

Doing your best doesn’t concern about the “traitors”.
Continue to do right even if your friends are away.

I had said in my profile I have to care of some things.
It’s largely about my family & then my university.

I know you said my family never matters to you but
even if it doesn’t, I’ll choose them first than this.

My family is never a lousy reason to be off for long,
not distraction but reason why I struggle for life.

I’m not sure if you care, knowing what’s happening.
But I’ve to work harder, since my mother is sick.
August 13, 2009 19:23 ()
i miss yooooooooooooooou T_T
August 17, 2009 7:08 ()
Have you been acting like a teary dog since I was away, Ang?
August 17, 2009 17:08 ()
August 17, 2009 22:34 ()
Idiot. Why get all teary, mutt?
August 18, 2009 19:18 ()
August 20, 2009 23:17 ()
You finished? Why not direct your attention to other important things like certain people should be doing?
September 15, 2009 18:34 ()
hee hee ^^

check this =D
September 15, 2009 19:31 ()
Where's the Tenju leaf fan?

....and if you make a leaf fan, there should be a feather one. Or perhaps sone onmiyou ofuda or something.
September 27, 2009 3:24 ()
Hi... I like the mushrooooooooooooms
September 29, 2009 3:52 ()
Sorry... Didn't mean to bother you. I just really like your avatar...
September 30, 2009 10:38 ()
You're welcome... =)
October 19, 2009 15:52 ()
Hi, Waltz! It’s been a long while since I got on here.
Thank you for the concern, it was chaos here. T_T

I’ve been busier, especially when the typhoon hit us.
Thankfully, we’re safe and are recovering from it.

My finals are just over... so I’ll now have time for net.
And, my mom’s doing fine now. So, thanks again!

Ah, my views seem worthless but I’m still here! xD;
I’m sorry if you feel I’m dehumanizing you, btw.

Well, disagreements won’t make one less of a person.
And I don’t want you to be a mere extension of me.

I only want you to hear my side, not to be like me.
I already know you’re against mine, don’t worry.

I’ve only asked about your disposition about yourself.
I, as random other, duly distinguish your existence.

If you reject yourself, then you’ll be rejected forever.
This isn’t to control you but to show my concern.

In another note, it’s a fact we’d be facing our end.
But, our life isn’t a waste just because we will die.

It’s not because it’s useful that life should be worthy.
But because of how we define it as it is, ourselves.

None are permanent but life isn’t to avoid this/death.
I think memories are created as extension of life. :)

Nothing may change even if you die... but if you live,
some things will be different even it’s just a little.

Well, I never meant this talk to be a battle or sort.
It’s enriching to explore our different views in life.
October 20, 2009 15:39 ()
Hehe, I think I will. I was just stating my thoughts.
Yours are different, but I’m not that against it.

I don’t think I’m dehumanizing you in any way. ^^;
Disagreements are just normal things you’ll face.

These may be petty words, but it’s what I truly feel.
I didn’t apologize for truth but for what you’ve felt.

Anyway, we were not that seriously hurt so we’re ok.
But the flood’s still here due to clogged drainage.

Ah, thanks! I’m glad I’m surviving, along with my job.
I was on the verge of losing my scholarship. x.x

Oh, do you mean you’ll stop going to your college?
I hope you’d feel better if it’s what you want. :)
October 20, 2009 21:32 ()
Hi. ^^
Ookami Kenran
October 21, 2009 10:23 ()
Aww... but wishing for its rebirth is better, neh? xD;
I simply don’t want bad things for other people.

That’s one case of several things but it isn’t that bad.
To disagree shows oneself and his responsiveness.

I failed several times but smart is an overstatement.
I feel everyone can do it, when they’re willing to.

Ah, it’s clogged because of the accumulated trash.
And the cleaning can’t happen in just one night.

It’s not possible, if only one is willing to do about it.
So the long-term effective solution is cooperation.
October 22, 2009 18:20 ()
Well, yes. I meant “everyone”, if they’re very willing.
Who you are & what others will do won’t matter.

It isn’t idealism but you do need someone to help you.
I know it won’t be so easy, but that’s already given.

Well, the effect of declogging will just be short term.
If the people are still throwing their trash, it’s futile.

What we also need is dumpsite for allocating trash.
The ones we have here aren’t that useful, anymore.

LOL, common cold was a different matter... xD
October 24, 2009 18:15 ()
This IS happening and I’m not generalizing things ^^;
If it’s easy just like that, then it’s already done so.

Ours is still one of the underdeveloped in the world.
People here cooperate in different illegal sense.

I know I, myself, can’t go against them in my state.
For now, I’ve to endure but continue what I do.

Oh yes, it is [a different matter]. *headdesk*
October 25, 2009 12:42 ()
I don’t want to demand, but I can’t help if I’m alone.
If it’s slow, I have yet to see an improvement.

Well, I’ll kick back the typhoon if it comes again. xD
We've been ready, since the first one we faced.

Ah, I’m currently thinking of more Halloween items.
What about you, any preparation for the holiday?