Phoneix Chronicles - RP
welcome to my roleplay Phoneix Chronicles
Before we start please check out the rules below:
-If you want to talk about something else,go somewhere else this is STRICTLY
-Please check your grammar
-If you want to join just comment on my profile
-In case you mess up the story I will just tell someone to clear it but to avoid accidents please check sometimes to see what's going on.
-Please behave and no signs like this:XD
-Write like you're writing a story
-For the First time in this RP God Modding is allowed of course with the character's owner permission
Before we start please check out the rules below:
-If you want to talk about something else,go somewhere else this is STRICTLY
-Please check your grammar
-If you want to join just comment on my profile
-In case you mess up the story I will just tell someone to clear it but to avoid accidents please check sometimes to see what's going on.
-Please behave and no signs like this:XD
-Write like you're writing a story
-For the First time in this RP God Modding is allowed of course with the character's owner permission
Now we're done with all the rules,here are some of the things to fill out
If you want to join, please send the form to the following: Azumiow1315, Rose, Tamie, Minami, Alerano
Picture Witch:
Now,If you want to join you can fill out that
Here are some of the students and teachers :
Name:Tiffany Mae Midnight
Element:Swordmanship and Summoning Demons
Personality:Sweet,Nerdy and Smart
Class: 1-B
Guardian: Crescent (Demon)
Picture(Witch Form:
Bio:She read minds and she from the Moon but because of her evil aunt she was sent down to earth until now the Moon awaits her.
Name: Joyce Turquoise (Cece)
Age: 12....and a half
Element: Rainbow(you told me to use my imagination)
Personality: Very optimistic, likes colorful stuff, and cheers people up, abstract-thinking, impatient.
Class: 3-J
Name: Dani Camille Hwang (Cami or Siopao)
AGE: 13
Element: Transparency
Personality: Bossy, sensitive and a bit clumsy
Class: 3-J
Element:Telepathy and Telekinesis
Personality:Soothing and Sly
Class: 3-J
Picture: (Witch form)
Bio:She ran away from her home because someone lit it on fire and because of that, her parents died. While running, she accidentally fell into the Lake of Wisdom, and she got her powers.
Name: Azuko Kimini
Age: 14
Element: Spirit Keys (she can call forth spirits from another world with her magic keys)
Personality: Always been sitting alone with sadness, her only friends are her spirits. But new friends are dwelling among her.
Class: 1-B
NAME:Angel Claire or Angie
ELEMENT:could control the four elements(fire,
PERSONALITY:helpful and kind
Class: 1-B
Name: Mitsuki Nagato
AGE: 21
Element: Candy
Personality: Hyper, Hyper HYPER
Class: Class of the other teacher.
Name: Koma
Age: 16
Element: Music
Personality: Kind, can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, not good with girls or romance.
Class: 1-B
Picture(Warlock form):
Bio: he became orphaned at the age of 2, the orphanage has been taking care of him and the woman who looked after him is like his mother. it was time for him to move so he is now living in a house with her looking after him.
Name: Junpei hessenheffer
Element:Weather(he can make sunny into rainy ect.)
Personality:Funny,like pick-up lines, friendly, narcissistic, likes video games, Helpful, Kind and Lazy
Name: Amalia Quio
Age: 14
Element:Fist Fighter. (she can create giant fists and other close combat things)
Personality: Rude, Lonely, has no friends, always speaks her mind, and has always wanted to be a pirate.
Class: 1-B
Picture(Witch from):
Bio: Her father abandoned her and her mother when she was 9. Ever since she has hated and never trusted anyone but her mother.
Name: Arietta Skywalker
Age: 12
Element: Puppeteer Magic (To control Puppets)
Personality: Sweet,Reliable,Positive,Smart although she's smart she thinks weird.
Class: 1-B
Guardian:Domo and her puppets.
Picture Witch:
Bio: She lost her parents in a war,Luckily she was found by some spirits and she was raised to perfection,Until the spirits decided to become her puppets,Except for ONE spirit and that was Domo,Arietta decided to Make Domo her most Trusted Guardian,She doesn't know she was adopted, before the war,She was born to a wealthy family,But her spirits believed she will never face the truth.
Name: Dahlia Hwang
AGE: 27
Element: Mechanical
Personality: Her ability to analyze problems has gained her the trust of most people. With her brilliant mind and brilliant looks, it’s not surprising that she has a large following. She's quite the perfectionist; and she's also half-android.
Class: Mechanics
Name: Miss Lilah Kelly
AGE: 25
Element: Telekinesis
Personality: She's quiet and shy but sometimes funny. She loves to paint and draw though she thinks she's bad at it.
Class: Any
Bulletin Board:
Hi Students and Teachers!This is our Bulletin Board here are our News
Post by
: Witches can include Guardians,Bio and Fighting Form,These will make others know your character more and The Witch Form when you transform into a witch and use your powers(But using your Normal Form doesn't mean you have to transform in to a witch to use your poweres)
Name:Tiffany Mae Midnight
Element:Sun,Moon and stars
Personality:Sweet,Nerdy and Smart
Class: 1-B
Bio:(Just like this)
Picture(Witch form:
Post by
Hi Witches! today I will make a special announcement...
No! I didn't mean end of the world I meant the final days of Phoneix Chronicles (The roleplay will not end) it's almost the end of season 1 this April 2012 will be beggining of Phoneix Chronicles season 2,For March it's the time to make,transfer or edit you witche's/warlock's story so by season 2 we can start fresh and super clean,also in season 1 make you memories count!
Hi Students and Teachers!This is our Bulletin Board here are our News
Post by
Name:Tiffany Mae Midnight
Element:Sun,Moon and stars
Personality:Sweet,Nerdy and Smart
Class: 1-B
Bio:(Just like this)
Picture(Witch form:
Post by
Hi Witches! today I will make a special announcement...
No! I didn't mean end of the world I meant the final days of Phoneix Chronicles (The roleplay will not end) it's almost the end of season 1 this April 2012 will be beggining of Phoneix Chronicles season 2,For March it's the time to make,transfer or edit you witche's/warlock's story so by season 2 we can start fresh and super clean,also in season 1 make you memories count!
Title:Phoneix Chronicles - RP
Last changed:April 3, 2012
Author(s):Minami, Rose, Tamie, Alerano, Azumiow1315
Page views:7
Visible to:anyone
Can be edited by:authors only
I need to talk to you about the things I've found recently by the hall. Some of which are pieces of thread, a rainbow crunchy, pieces of dirt(soil), a match, and a mini telescope. I really don't know how all these ended up on the hallway but it seems to me that our students become more and more careless with their things. Do you think we should hold a seminar on I dont know, October 1? Because if they don't stop, they might be end up loosing the things they need for school and most importantly, their element. So what do you say?
a little trick doesn't hurt, does it?
Now to say, Kamil was quite the trickster. Yes, she loved doing pranks and getting away with it.
With her great power of telekinesis, she could move big objects with ease. And her malicious scheme was taking place....
..she simply moved the earth. Nope, no effect except one:an eclipse occurred.
Starry shouted as he saw the eclipse "Tiffany don"t go outside! an eclipse is happening!" but Tiffany disobeyed Starry and went outside upon seing the eclipse her body was still strong and used her power and the eclipse stop then she turned to Starry "Find the one who did this prank!" For tiffany knew Kamil did the prank.
a little trick doesn't hurt, does it?
Kamil knew Tiffany caught her. But she won't be caught forever. When Starry found her, she said the magic words: "You will forget all this." Then she pointed at Starry. Suddenly Starry felt a little dizzy and forgot that Kamil was the thief.
angel overheard there conversation with Tiffany and starry and went to find starry, there she noticed that Kamil make starry fall asleep and she said to herself its all up to me to help Tiffany there she used her earth element to form a barrier to make Tiffany trap inside and she saidsorry amil but its for your own goodthen she trapped Kamil inside and call Tiffany
Azuko saw the events and ran to help, "Is everything okay? Is everyone alright?" Azuko was frightened about everything but she knew it would be safe. She helped Tiffany whilst one of her spirit's took care of Kamil and locked her in a detention room.
"I can't stay here for long, so..." she said. She broke one of the windows of the room and got out. She ran as fast as possible.
Unfortunately Kamil wasn't able to catch up with Kamil though she had a very good view of her. So she decided to read Kamil's mind and immediately head to wherever she was headed to so she can bring her back to detention with greater punishment.
Tiffany felt something so she said "Kamil have escape".Starry got angry and said "Curses!Ley's go get her Tiffany!'.But Tiffany was silent.
Azuko stood with Tiffany rather scared. "This is the reason why I never had any friends..I was always scared of losing someone." She stared to the ground as tears started down her face, she suddenly thought of an idea and quickly told Tiffany. "I have to do something, stay here and keep safe!" Azuko called a spirit that was good at running and athletics, she jumped on his back and ran as quick as she could, with dust flying behind her. She saw Kamil, and Ms. Lilah waiting to catch her, she got off from the spirit's back and called her most recently found key, a duplicating spirit. He duplicated around Kamil and Ms. Lilah so no one could get out, there, Kamil was trapped and she wouldn't get away.
Kamil wasn't going in any specific place. In fact, she was going and stopping by EVERYWHERE. Ha-ha. She's a running athlete, so she won't tire out.
Kamil first went in a fastfood restaurant.
Uh-oh. "You can't stop me at ALL!" she said. She lifted many tress and squished them on the duplicates. Then she tried to go to her real plan: GO EVERYWHERE!
you haven't known me yet.
After she told Kamil what she has wanted to say, she decided to get her plan on the go. She walked over to the nearest cafe and took a seat. What Kamil doesn't know is that Ms. Lilah just went over to the cafe to buy an energy drink and watch Kamil at the same time. If ever Kamil would run to a place Lilah can't see from where she is now, she can still track her down because of her AWESOME telekinesis power.
Ms. Lilah noticed that Kamil was slowing down. She suddenly remembered the emergency card Kamil passed during the first day of classes. "Has slow endurance" was written on her emergency card. Lilah knew that their plan was falling right into place.
Tiffany remained silent then she smile she close her eyes and the sun went down Tiffany was making it dark so Kamil don,t where to go Then she called out Starry she said "You have Friends don't you?Call them to lead Azuko and Miss Lilah".Starry did as he was told to,While Tiffany followed the stars to follow Kamil bringing Angie.
Kamil Beatrix
a little trick doesn't hurt, does it?
Kamil knew her mind was being tracked, so she stopped at a helmet store and bought a metal helmet. In X-Men, she saw that Magneto could block thoughts with it. So she wore it, and ran somewhere else, because she knew Ms.Lilah was in a cafe. :P
i'll still find your starlight.
She looked around if there were any people, then suddenly, she pulled out a remote control from her skirt pocket. "Titan-Boo. Come to me." she said, pressing a big red button on the remote. Suddenly, a polar bear-like robot mecha appeared, descending from the sky. The mech was modeled after Titan-Boo, Dahlia's former polar bear-looking golf caddy. Dahlia jumped into it. Pulling some levers and pressing a bucnh of colorful buttons. "Let's go." she pressed another big red button on the remote. Titan flew into the skies. Anything is possible when you're a former Silvia Navy Captain.
Tiffany was flying with Starry and she saw Kamil and went down, since it was dark Kamil didn't saw a thing "You shouldn't did that prank".Tiffany said as she appeard out of nowhere,She used the sun rays to make a barrier and she called out "Angie do what you do!!".
a little trick doesn't hurt, does it?
"Tiffany Midnight, did you notice I have telekinesis?" she said. She moved the barrier away and hyptonized Tiffany with her telepathy. Then she moved the entrance to the sewer and locked it when she was there. Then she continued running.
Tiffany was shocked she immediatley ran to the place where Kamil went,She tried to open the door but it can't Tiffany decided to give up "I can never do this" Tiffany said a tears swelled up in her eyes,Suddenly something was forming in Tiffany's hands,it was a SWORD!! A very big and strong one,This was the biggest sword Tiffany saw all over the Midnight lands then a voice came to her "Tiffany,Use this sword to defeat Kamil and I have sent someone for you".Tiffany looked at Starry,Starry was taking Shape and it formed like the Sun!Tiffany became brave and she ran and slashed the door, and the door opened Tiffany together with Starry(er....Sunny)went inside to beat Kamil once and for all.
come on and join the bandwagon.
Luckily, when she looked up into the sky, she saw a rainbow. She knew exactly what to do. She flew up to Mr. Sun and asked if she can borrow the rainbow for just a short while and if he has anything sturdy to keep the rainbow from getting off and he gave her a whole roll of rainbow tape to secure the rainbow in place. So she wrapped Kamil with the rainbow and put the rainbow tape and said "Not that strong now, are you?,"
((From now on, Joyce can fly because I said so.:))
a little trick doesn't hurt,does it?
Kamil simply squeezed her stomach, then floated high in the air with her telekinesis. Then she slowly settled down and went up the steps.
Tiffany saw Joyce she ran to her and asked "Joyce have you seen Kamil?" then she looked at Joyce's back there she saw Kamil tied up "I'm a total idiot",Tiffany thought then she asked Starry(ER... Sunny but since he turned into the sun guardian I'll just call him Sunny)to use rays to make a fence which burns and can't be moved since Sunny is holding it ,"Kamil,I don't want to hurt you but this is for your own good".Tiffany said as she ran with the sword,She jumped and her sword landed a 2 inches away from Kamil's body "Look at your Magic Jewel".Kamil noticed it was gone,Tiffany was holding it,She said "I,Tiffany Midnight proclaim that this Magic Jewel is Mine".And she flew very fast,She immediatley went to the place where Azuko and Miss Lilah were "Prepare yourselves",Tiffany said
Kamil Beatrix
a little trick doesn't hurt, does it?
Kamil was still strong, she still had to get there...
Her eyes, were glowing, and grew strong enough to tear her rainbow hostage rope.
Then she ran up and to a secret place she hopes no one will find.
She ran to an restaurant ruin, now covered with moss and slime and paint cracking. She went to the restroom there, where one stall had a hole big enough for Kamil to go in. She did.
After climbing through the dirt, she finally poked her head up near a forest lake. The water was glowing and the waves moved with serenity. This is the Lake of Wisdom and where Kamil got her powers as a little came back to her. Tears started flowing out of Kamil's eyes....and she did it. She believed in the inner force the lake has and hoped it would protect her.
So she jumped in the lake, with eyes still crying.
Tiffany reached the Lake of Wisdom,She saw Kamil gaining back her power,She shouted "Kamil!Please Don't run off like that,Can't you see that the whole school is looking for you?This is the first time I have experiencedc this,I won't fight you I have other important matters to attend to. As Tiffany rode a star an eclipse occured,She angrily looked at Kamil and said "I hope you did'nt did that",Tiffany rode a star going back to school.
Kamil Beatrix
no one know what it feels like to be an...
"I didn't do the eclipse.." Kamil cried. "Well the other one, I did it. But not this one."
When she stopped crying, she teleported herself back to school, but hid in one of the rooms.
Tiffany landed in school,She sensed Kamil was here she entered the room Kamil was in,she asked "Kamil your here?"
no one know what it feels like to be an...
"Of course I'm here." she said.
No one knows I'm the Moon's daughter
"Iam just checking".Tiffany said then she asked Kamil "Are you alright?"
no one knows what it feels like to be an...
"Yeah." she said, trying to hide her sadness.
The Moon isn't my god
Azuko knew she wouldn't catch them so she went back to the school, she left a few books in her classroom. As she was walking out of class she heard voices in another room, she went to investigate and found Kamil and Tiffany talking to each other. "Your giving up? Why are you doing this in the first place?" Azuko sensed sadness in Kamil and stayed silent for a short while. Suddenly her magic jewel started glowing, she pulled it out and then looked at Kamil's and Tiffany's Jewels. She quickly hid it back but didn't understand why it was glowing. Suddenly, everything was fading, and Azuko collapsed in front of everybody.
i'm a little crafty...but watch out. I'm mean.
The reason why Kamil was sad because the horrifying memory had come back to her when she was at the Lake of Wisdom.
Kamil's family used to live near a forest, where they owned a restaurant. It was a huge success, until one day....
one enemy envious of their success burned the house. Kamil, sensing danger, tried to wake up her parents but it was no use. Still wanting to save her own life, she escaped the house as fast as she could with tears and jumped in the nearest lake, which turned out to be the Lake of Wisdom.
She then got her powers there, but this brought a permanent anti-joy effect to Kamil ever since. Now the restaurant is in ruins and Kamil ran away as soon as she closed it........
Then Kamil said something she never did before,
"Azuko, are you ok??"
Don't bother, I don't want any friends..
Azuko looked at Kamil fading before her. [b]"Azuko, are you ok??"[/b] Kamil had asked. [b]"Kadiko...I..summon..thee...."[/b] Azuko said her last words as she fell unconscious on the floor. Suddenly, another spirit appeared before them, taking Azuko into it's arms and disapearing, leaving nothing but a friendly glow.
Azuko then awoke in a bed inside of what seemed to be a castle. [b]"Where am..I?"[/b] She asked, and then a reply came from a familiar voice. [b]"I see you have awoken! Come with me, the queen awaits you." "The Queen?!"[/b] Azuko sat wide-eyed, she got up and left with Kadiko to a throne room. She looked at the woman sitting upon the throne, her eyes just getting wider, her head just getting cloudier, Azuko was very confused. [b]"M-Mother?!" "Yes Azuko, I am a queen."[/b] Azuko couldn't speak, she was stunned at the sights. [b]"If you're a queen then...Does that mean I'm a princess?" "Yes Azuko, you are a princess, I felt you should know after all these years." The queen had told her.
[i]weird. all i say ends well, no. ends badly.[i]
"Oh." she said in surprise.
"She's know at....." said Kamil while trying to read Azuko's mind, "The Celestial Castle."
TIffany sat down near a window,with tears falling down her eyes she alwaysfelt that she was alone,even she had friends,She sensed Azuko and Kamil are happy without her,"Something's wrong with me".Tiffany said as she ran outside then she rode a star going somewhere where nobody knows.
((Okay,Were already in chapter 2 "Tiffany's disappearance" the next person who will post please put on yop chapter 2 "Tiffany's dissapearance))
what a series of unfortunate events! kamil runs away, but when's she safe, it's tiffany gone. will they ever find her?
Kamil Beatrix
i don't mind.
Suddenly Kamil felt like Azuko, she didn't want any friends.....
but when Tiffany disappeared, she got alarmed.
"Azuko, now that you know, please, Protect the world, stay safe. I give you my power, use it well." The queen then teleported Azuko back to the room Kamil was in. "Kamil! Wait, where's Tiffany?!" She asked as she entered.
life,death and everlasting.
"Dissapearance... she said....glowing brightly in uneven words...then she dissapeared too.
My dissaperrance could shake the world
"Ouch!" Tiffany shouted as an insect hitted her head,but Tiffany kept on flying suddenly a monster attacked her and she fell down ot the ground,Tiffany's head started bleeding and tears started falling down her head and she closed her eyes,when she woke up she was surrounded by townspeople "Where am I?" she asked, then the mayor asked "Whats your name and where do you come from?" "I don't know" Tiffsny replied "Its seems like you have Amnesia" a man answered.
life and the light is connected....
Kamil found herself floating up in a light. Then she saw Tiffany absent-minded. "OMG!"
Who am I?
"I believe I do" Tiffany said with a sigh, "From now on we'll call you Kiyomi meaning pure beauty" the mayor declared triumphantly,then he started bringing Kiyomi into a house and he said "You'll stay here now". with a smile.
I'm the best among the rest, so what?