Transparency Tutorial
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These are the 6 easy steps of how to use Iaza for the transparency of the background.
1. Save the image of the item(s) on your computer. Make sure the background color is lime green as shown.
(Chich - "Actually, it can be any color as long as it's not found anywhere in the item.")
(Aye- Thanks buddy!
2. Open up the website and click on 'Load Image'.
3. Click on 'Browse' then select the item you have made and click 'Open'. Press 'Load' to continue or 'Clear' to select another item.
4. The image should have shown. On the 4th box below the image, there should be a link underneath 'Create' saying 'Transparent'. Click it.
5. The image should have a blue outline around it. Click on the background of your image. If the outline doesn't change to purple, try again.
Once it is purple, click on 'Convert'. The image should appear with a transparent background.
6. After making the background transparent, go over to the first column and select "Convert to PNG". That is the only format accepted by this site. Save it. You have now finished.
I hope this will help. If you have any questions, please post them in the comment box. Thank You!
Transparency with Photoshop and newer versions of Paint Shop Pro
Pretty easy. Assuming you made your item on a new layer, set the visibility of the background layer to "off" and save as PNG.
Transparency with Paint Shop Pro 8 or lower
This is the program I use. Again assuming you made your item on a new layer, make a background layer and fill it with #00FF00 lime green. Set the visibility of the layer that contains the base to "off", save your work in a file format that preserves your layers (e.g. psd, psp, pspimage), then choose "set palette transparency" from the menu. It will ask you to flatten the image, this is okay if you saved. Then choose lime green as the transparent color. Choose "save as" and save in PNG format.
Title:Transparency Tutorial
Last changed:November 8, 2011
Page views:20
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All I have to do is delete the background and it's the grey and white "transparent" background.
Karin is right about not using Paint. It's an old, horrifically out of date program that hardly lets you do anything fun, or easy for that matter.
Paint is like for a 5-year old who doesn't need anything more than one layer and retarded undo options. I've seen people make pixel items on Oekaki before because it's better and free. Can't beat free these days.
And yes, in by saying something in a tutorial, you are telling someone that they have to do it your way because they obviously don't know how else to do it if they are reading it.
Don't get pissed off at Karin because she has her own opinion and is always right and you are not.
Karin is just a human being like everyone else. There are times when she's wrong and I'm right. Get over yourself.
You're pretty smart Chich, but sometimes you should consult me before inventing some trick to get around something. After all, I'm the one who coded the dolls and know how they work.
They are a few numbers off. D;